Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Be My Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I'm being like this again. Rejecting everyone when i wanted LOVE. I contradict myself with action and words. How could i tell people that i do too want to get married and i too want to have a happy ending. I can't and i just don't know how. Making that big decision in my life is like lying to the whole world. I'm rejecting everyone now. I don't know how to proceed anymore Daisy. Somehow i feel that love just vanish from my heart. I don't know how to retrieve it back. Was i hurt that badly to the point i didn't realize that it's gone? Or to the point it's there but i just could not see it somehow? Last time it was all about the drowning in tears and now just empty. I dream too much and hope too much right? Too much novel thats been clouding my head and i forgot to stay on the ground. Is it too late now Daisy? Somehow, it does feel a little bit too late. Dear heart o heart of mine. I could never heal you with my own broken shell. Until then my Daisy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Be my Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I am feeling all the heart breaks moment over and over again. I wonder when will i get used to this feeling. But i know i'll be alright and since no one realize how badly wounded i am that means a good thing. Hopefully i can manage all the mending process again. Until the my Daisy

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Be My Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I hope my last post don't seem to sad or tragic. It's a sorry fate that i encountered and the one that i'm used to. I come to believe whenever i tend to get in a relationship i'm always scared this would happen. A breakup. It's a failure everytime i went my way to go for that. Now, i don't want to pursue it anymore. Somehow, deep in my heart i want it to be feel with love also. I think i'm going to cry. Not that i'm sad about the breakup and so on but i get emotionally distracted very easily nowadays. Probably because i cherish the word relationship so much and it doesn't have to be with a guy but i can relate it to friends and also family. Now that i'm watching One Piece again, i cry so hard and deliberately choose the sad episode. I can't cry normally so i used this 'medium' to help me cry and ease my heart. Well, this is not a long post. I don't want to bored you with my imbalance emotional state nor to confuse you. Until the Daisy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Be My Daisy

Dear Daisy,

What is up? Bwahahahaha. Somehow that sounds funny. Anyway, it's rare of me updating my blog this fast. You know how i can be. Probably there's something interesting going on and i intended to share with the readers of Daisy. May i call all of you guys Daisy? I have done that for the last past posts without asking permission so why did i bother to ask now? Pfftt. Really, when my head start to get crazy it's kind of hard for me to get straight to the point. I just love the sound of the keyboard now. Is that what you call it? I can't seem to recall it a bit.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Be My Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I think i'm happy enough to be the one who write and give out the title. Give out the conclusion in my own way and to just give everything that i know by far without causing any confusion. Well, that is from my point of view though. I do welcome some other point of view because as wide as the universe can get, that's the same wide as the opinion can get. It is just a matter on wanting to believe and that was it. Just now i got a lot of stuff going on my head and wanting to share about but just when i start writing out a good intro my niece woke up from her sleep and kind like distract me here and there. I know i'm planning to talk about my other blog but i need to end my intro in a good way. Instead i forgot about all the good ending itself. So, let's just move on to what i was about to share.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Be My Daisy

Dear Daisy,

Again, another long hiatus from me. I can never keep my place in one spot or maybe i was probably too busy updating my other blog. And maybe i've been too busy keeping my head together. I don't know why i get easily distracted lately. So, it is kind of hard for me to tell something when there is something to talk about. Nevertheless, i will try to convey every message that i can.