Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Be My Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I wonder how much pain that it takes to turn people into a heartless one. Although they seem so happy and enjoying their life here and there but i still couldn't believe that they are in that much pain to not feel happy when other people are celebrating grandiosely. Yet, this friend of mine couldn't bear to see or hear about all the happy news. I don't get it and i will never will because that's not how i see the world goes. Of course despite feeling pathetic and such but wouldn't it be great to wish others their happiness. I keep on thinking, probably the pain has overwhelm this friend of mine as she bottles up all of her problems. I know it is unhealthy to bottles up all of our problem to ourselves because i have been through that. In fact, i'm still doing that but sometimes when i can't bear to handle it any longer i do tend to blow up and it feels good after that. But this friend of mine, i know how sensitive her heart is and how fragile it could get but she keep on saying she's okay and immune with everything. Yeah right. This is how she ends up to be. I wish i could hold onto her and help her. But i think i was too late. There's a saying that says 'there is never too late for anything' i remember it from a manga that i used to read and salute so much as it teach me the way of life when i was in my downfall. And now, i have been doing that but this friend of mine is stubborn to the bone that i almost feels like i should strangle her to hold my hand so i could help her. I wonder if that sounds like helping or murdering. Well, wish me luck Daisy. As wild as you can be, that's how my heart tells you. Until then Daisy.

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