Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Be My Daisy

Dear Daisy,

Again, another long hiatus from me. I can never keep my place in one spot or maybe i was probably too busy updating my other blog. And maybe i've been too busy keeping my head together. I don't know why i get easily distracted lately. So, it is kind of hard for me to tell something when there is something to talk about. Nevertheless, i will try to convey every message that i can.

As i was saying, there's nothing much going on but right now, i'm trying to make a deal out of this shop and trying so hard to make a bargain. It's not that i know a lot about business but i do have the idea and i will take the risk if possible. Business is all about business anyway. Since my time are mostly spent at home and needed me here, i end up trying to make a business online and probably try to do something else. Yes, i do have the idea but to make it happen is other way round. Still, i never did know how to give up. Life like this, could be fun too and i think i have taken the fact i am never going to get married. So instead of worrying the fact i'll be single and making my parents worry about me i'll just do the things that i believe in. At least, i am trying to make a living.

Speaking of being single, yes i have thought about that and which is probably the reason why now i'll say it over and over again that i don't mind being single and lonely. It's not that i don't want to find, it is just a bother if i keep on pressuring myself over it. And of course i would envy my friend getting married and such but lucky for them getting themselves the perfect one. I'll worry a lot of things if i find 'The One'. So, i'll say it again i'm fine with the status i'm in now.

Besides that, i'll probably head off to another place to work in 1 year and a half more to go. Well, that is what i think and hopefully i still get the job no matter what. This time i'll be doing it for real since i don't want to worry my mom especially and another reason is to kick my sister ass. I hate her look. Not her appearance but her so-called-selfishness. I don't like the way she look down on others. That is why i intended to get myself a real job. I know my intention can be evil but in time, maybe i'll forget about this hatred and her selfishness. I know i don't get mad that long but i have to see her almost every week and it's killing me. That is why i'm taking the journey elsewhere and just far away. Well, i share quiet a bit for your boring ear with the torturing and same old story but i know from time to time i will see the meaning behind everything. Until then Daisy.

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