Monday, May 31, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I'm HUNGRY!!! and here i was saying to forget about my hunger. But i'm so hungry to the point i can't think how to clean the house. I know i should sweep the floor but then i don't feel like it. I want my cup of MILO!!! I always drink Milo early in the morning as my breakfast because it's my energy booster. I miss my MILO. I'm going crazy without the MILO. I'm hungry. I don't know what to do anymore. Yes, i'm going insane. Insane and crazy enough to be lazy to the bone.

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

It has been a while i didn't update you with any news. Maybe it was due to the happy moment that i felt for a little while that i want it to last a bit longer. But then, it only last for a couple of days. The side effect from my past is eating me inside each and every moment i was left alone. I wish and i pray for every night that somehow i could open up to someone. I have too many secrets and no matter how much i want to tell someone about it, i would spoil it with more heartbreaking news. My life should end earlier but it keeps on going while i face the toughest and scariest challenge all by myself. I wish i could cry but i just couldn't. Not now. Not yet. But it hurt.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

It's been a while. Not that i'm lazy or busy but i'm getting frustrated with the internet nowadays, more accurately i got annoyed because of the slow broadband. I think whoever created the broadband forgot to consider about the slow connection and whatever the technology scientist freak may call it. It really annoys me. Forgive me if i did offend some of you but a bit of advise here. Once you create something, you got to see it through the end. Fix everything and stay updated with it. I guess by doing so, it will decrease the complaint that you're getting.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I can't believe i cry yesterday. I thought i promise myself not to cry anymore but i just can't help it. At that time, i was so tired and so sick that i had to wear a lot of clothe in a hot day. I was only trying to ask for a break, for a rest. I may don't look like sick but i'm dead tired not to mention i'm sick again. But yet people keep on misunderstood the things that i needed and wanted. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so tired.

I really can't believe i have to be so stubborn just for a rest that i needed. Yet they want to compare that to what my mom is doing all her entire life. You know what? I have a different point. I see it from a different angle. I don't know anymore. I hate it when i have to hurt people. I hate it when i have to make people bleed because of my very word. Daisy, until then,,,,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

The weather is not that great. I keep on getting cold and cough just because of the weather. My body can't level up with the weather so it's a bit weak. I found it impossible for me to be infected with this normal virus for back then, i hardly get sick. But when i'm in the so-called KL, i got sick easily. All because of the weather. Too hot for a cold day and too cold for a hot day. If you get what i mean. The air is not fresh, lack of trees. I just don't know how to breathe normally. If you're from my place and set a foot here you can see the different how dirty the air has been. I'm not feeling too good right now but i just want to update you with any news that i had or anything that i've been thinking about lately.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

It took a long time to get to you. The internet won't have mercy on me. It keeps on shutting down on me. I hate it when it does that. I have some great news today and i want to tell you about it. But, you probably know it by now. Afterall you're my Daisy so of course you would the first one to know. I don't want to ask how you know it but you just knew the whole. Still, i want to tell you again.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I'm quite healthy now. I had a bad cough and flu. It drives me nuts. It made me lazy and my whole body just feels heavy. All i want to do is laying down and wake up whatever time i want. Unfortunately, i can't do neither. It drives me crazy. I had to toughen up and starts doing the laundry, cleans up the house and the mess, sweeping and mopping you name it. I'm doing everything which is why my flu and my cough gets worsen each day. Though i sweat but it doesn't help much. This is not what i called clearing up my head. That's for sure.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I'm still sick. I had flu. Yesterday my throat feels like hell. I hate it when my throat hurt and now i had a flu. All because of the weather. Sometimes it's hot and sometimes it's raining. I forgot the freaking word so i'll just say it in my own language. 'cuaca yang sik menentu'. I've been thinking what is the best word but i still couldn't figure it out. The Malay language stick inside my head so that's why i forgot everything. Oh boy,,, I forgot what i want to talk about just now. Just beat it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I'm not feeling well today. I think i over worked myself again. My throat hurt and my eyes are watery. Not a good sign isn't it? I guess i'm more to tired and i always skip my lunch. Even dinner i try to eat but i just don't have the appetite to eat. After cleaning up the whole day, i don't have the energy to eat. My stomach couldn't handle the food. I guess. Right now, i'm just tired and wanting a rest. Daisy, i won't be able to update anything when i'm in this state. Although i want to talk to you much longer but i can't for now. You'll miss me right? *chuckle Nah, i know. I know no one will miss me and that's why it made me more pathetic. I have friends but in reality i have no one. Fighting all the battle alone. Sometimes i won and sometimes i fall. For the time being i fall onto the hands of fever. I'll get back to you once i'm fully healed. Until then Daisy.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I'm tired. Sooooo tired. As usual i start my day with a hectic morning. But today there's a bit different. I had to listen to my sister's complaint about my dad. My dad story is a never ending story. I was so sleepy at that time and i had to hear what my sister says. All i could do is nod my head and ask what exactly happen. It's fine that way. After all i am a good listener even though my head will fill with so many problem. Not my problems but lot of people's problem. I guess i can't get rid of this habit of mine. Hearing people's problem and try to solve it or either just lessen their burden.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I've been resting for some time now. At night i would go online and the next day, i would wake up late. I'm used to wake late. Clearly, i'm not a morning person. I hate waking up early in the morning because i don't want to hear any nagging and any words that might hurt me and got me sulking for a week or something like that. So, if i do get sulk that means my morning have been effected with some annoying info that i don't want to hear about. I'm quite tired with everything already. I do wish that i would get over this whole thing and not being overly sensitive in every word they say but it's getting harder that way. The more my heart break the more i forgot how it was like to be joking around with family and friends. I try to forget every word but my memory seems to be holding things very tightly.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

It has been a while. I'm busy with all the chaotic niece. Tired with cleaning the house and all i wanted was a time for me. I wonder at that moment, that hectic moment, i always hope there's someone would take me away from there and tell me to do things that i wanted to do all along. He or she would be my hero, my idol for taking me away from there. If it was a he maybe i would fall head over heels to him but if it just the same opposite as me then i would just adore her for doing so. Life is great is there is such a person. It made me feel much alive.